...so Isak recently turned two. He must've logged at least a couple miles running around the park the evening we did this shoot -- but he was smilin' the whole time. A few pics of the smilin' little boy:
...so Karleigh recently turned one - I snapped a few pics to mark the occasion. She sure was cute. It didn't take much to get her to smile as we moved around the yard to give us a few backdrops. It sure did help, though, having mom + dad singing song after song to her over my shoulder.
...so Tate just started kindergarten. She's a big girl now -- she got to wear her big girl shoes, her big girl clothes, put on her big girl backpack, and head off to the big school. She was soooooooo ready to start this new stage (...much moreso than her mother was, bless her heart). Here's a few pics of the big girl.
...so the objective for this shoot was pretty simple: capture some shots of Norah (18 months) + Annabelle (4 months), as well as a few family shots where/when possible. Peter & Laura didn't get the hands/weddingbands shot on their wedding day a few years back, so that was one they wanted to try, as well, but with the kids hands in it, as well (...a cool thing, I thought). So we met up at Tower Grove park (ironically enough the same location they went to for their wedding pics <-- which I did not know) and snapped away. Their kids did great ... they did great ... and we had a good time. Norah was in love with the ducks + always heading full-speed toward any and every water source =). Annabelle, a little less mobile, would light up any time her mom was within view. A few pics from the shoot ...
...so Steph's kids qualify as my most photographed group of kiddos -- two, maybe three shoots a year for the past few years. They know that Uncle Greg -- be it here in STL or down in Austin -- is probably going to be takin' some pics of them whenever we're together so he can try some different things with the camera. I guess that helps them be a little more comfortable in front of the camera. It also gives them a little ownership in where/how/what we shoot, since they've got a good idea of what's going on. They know it means mom's going to pick out some outfits for them to wear ... Uncle Greg's going to snap a bunch of pics ... and that, if they do good, ice cream later (that helps). This one was a fun shoot. Melia loved her dress ... Gray was wary of the bees ... Aiden was tryin' to not smile ... and Steph was sportin' a new haircut. It was a good time. =) They were up here for the summer + just recently headed out back to Texas ... but it was most definitely good spending the summer with them.